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Faster, Annihilators!

About the book

People who struggle to fit into narrow, heteronormative societal norms should not be dismissed as childish, crazy, or misanthropic. They might reject blind obedience because they recognize its childishness and possess an extensive vocabulary which includes nuanced concepts like transcendence, which they pursue relentlessly and courageously. Perhaps the routine suffocates us because it lacks order, leading us to accept anything that most people do as normal and good, resulting in a failure of imagination severe enough to become an extinction level event.

If you share this perspective, yet refuse to let it crush your humor, empathy, and determination to express your authentic self and create a better world, then Faster, Annihilators! is the book for you. This poetry collection chronicles a gay man’s struggle to reject conformity, demand more from himself, and thrive in a society that is still inexcusably oppressive.

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